Quiz: Can You Identify These Academic Subjects Without Getting Schooled?

It's probably impossible to be an expert in every subject, but that doesn't stop some people from trying. A good starting point might be to figure out the definition of every field of study out there. See if you can remember the meaning of words like geology, ecology, and cardiology without having to issue an apology.

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of living organisms?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of rocks and the Earth's structure?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the human mind and behavior?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of past human societies and cultures?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of celestial objects?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of matter and its properties?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of society and human social behavior?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of language and its use in communication?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of religion and religious beliefs?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the heredity of organisms and how it influences their characteristics?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the history and development of human societies and cultures?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the principles and methods of teaching?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the human body and its functions?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the physical and chemical processes that occur in the Earth's atmosphere?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the behavior of matter and energy at atomic and subatomic levels?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of diseases in populations?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the design and construction of buildings and other structures?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the natural and social environments in which people live?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the principles and methods of reasoning?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the physical and chemical processes that occur within the Earth?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of human perception and interpretation of sounds?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the processes that shape the Earth's weather patterns?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the structure, function, and diseases of the heart and blood vessels?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the production and consumption of goods and services within a particular region or country?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the physical and chemical properties of rocks and minerals?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence?

Which of the following fields of study is concerned with the study of the chemical processes that occur in living organisms?

What is the scientific study of insects called?

Which scientific field studies the formation, identification, and properties of gemstones?

What is the scientific study of birds called?

What field of study is concerned with family history and lineage?

What is the study of the Sun called?

What is the study of animals called?

What is the study of the brain and nervous system called?

What scientific field focuses on the plant world?

What is the study of the structure and function of cells called?

What branch of medicine studies the skin?