Bartenders Reveal Which Drink Orders They Can't Stand

Bartenders deal with the worst of the worst. And it doesn’t take long for them to be able to tell exactly what type of customer they're dealing with based on drink choice alone. Wondering what your go-to order reveals about your personality? Well, these bartenders — who've dealt with regulars, tourists, and everyone in between — revealed which drinks make them suppress an exaggerated eye roll and which make them downright irritated.

Long Island ice teas

Basic, basic, and more basic. Sure, some people enjoy Long Island ice teas for the flavor, but be aware that you're setting off red flags. Often associated with drunk party girls, these cocktails tell your bartender to keep an eye on you in case you start dancing on the table.

Vodka sodas (with lime)

This basic order is requested so often, it makes Long Island ice tea look top-shelf. Anyone who orders a vodka soda is usually less about the taste of fine liquor and more about getting wrecked. Sorry, but that touch of lime doesn't make it any fancier.


A properly made mint mojito is superb, but for bartenders who are in the middle of a rush, the request might not be well-taken. The process of muddling mint with a wooden spoon is tedious and time-consuming — not to mention that patrons tend to drink all the hard work down in just seconds. If you're planning on multiple orders, you're honestly better off with vodka sodas.

Egg white cocktails

A creamy egg white cocktail is truly a delight, but depending on how "authentic" you want it, the process can be a real pain for bartenders. Whipping up the egg whites by hand can be grueling, especially when preparing multiple orders at once. Unless you're at a quiet cocktail bar, we suggest going for a fine merlot.