Woman Bungee Jumps Over Crocodile-Infested Waters, Then The Cord Snaps

As Erin Langworthy stood atop a 360-foot high platform, about to bungee jump for the first time in her life, she couldn't help but think, "What am I doing, throwing myself off a perfectly good bridge?" She dismissed the thought, certain her brain was just trying to talk her out of the experience of a lifetime. As it turned out, she should have listened to her gut. Leaping from the bridge that afternoon plunged her into a fight for her life.

To Zambia

Fresh off college graduation, Australian native Erin Langworthy wanted a vacation. Though she was fully prepared to jump into the working world, one last hurrah in Zambia, Africa, sounded like the perfect way to celebrate her degree.

Tour Group

In 2014, Erin traveled alone, but she joined a tour group that planned events for participants. When she checked the group's itinerary, she was delighted to see bungee jumping on the docket. That was about as adventurous as something could be!

Victoria Falls

Digging into the details, Erin saw the jump would take place over the Zambezi River — the one between Zambia and Zimbabwe — near Victoria Falls, from a bridge 111 meters over a gorge of unforgiving waters. Admittedly, she was a little nervous.

Entrusting Safety

But she knew bungee jumping was done all over the world, with hundreds of jumps per day at the Zambezi River alone. The odds of something bad happening were astronomically low. Still, the thought was in the back of her mind the day before her jump.