40 Practices From The Past That Are Really Making Us Cringe Hard

Nothing makes you appreciate the 21st century more than hearing about the 20 centuries before it. Prior to the invention of modern comforts, humans were constantly exposing themselves to disgusting practices and situations. These details from the past will leave much more than a bad taste in your mouth.

40. Bleeding Genitals

Ancient Egyptians didn't realize that the Nile River was full of deadly parasites. Men were bleeding from their penises at such a consistent rate that people thought it was all a part of growing up, much like women getting their periods. Except, you know, with a lot more pain and death.

39. Animal Tooth Dentures

It's easy to complain about the dentist now, but you wouldn't if you saw what they used to do to patients. If you needed new teeth, a dentist would simply install dog or goat teeth. Having pointy teeth sounds awesome... until the infection kicks in.

38. Public Castration

Ancient men who praised the Greek goddess Cybele wanted to be like her partner, a eunuch. As such, they would hold public ceremonies to showcase the removal of their genitals using scissors (not to mention zero pain medication). Cringe doesn't even come close.

37. Rat Toilets

Sure, plumbing was a great invention for human kind. But one side effect of an open pipe leading to your bathroom toilet: unwanted visitors. City dwellers were literally getting bitten in the groin by rats who crawled to the surface, forcing the installation of "rat blockers" in every piping system.