Estranged Siblings Reunite After 7 Years In The Same Hospital

Imagine discovering that you have a family member you knew nothing about. A special person who comes right out of the blue: incredible news. Maybe you’ve even had that experience yourself, but wait — we have a twist in store. What if that previously unsuspected family member had been practically under your nose the whole time? Read on to find out more…

A mysterious background

This is Christina Sadberry, a mother and servicewoman from Brenham, Texas, now based in Florida. Pictures show her looking happy enough. Yet for many years there was a large hole in her life. Put up for adoption at the age of just three months old, she was troubled by the same thoughts anyone in her position would have. Who were her real parents? What was her true story?

The personal journey begins

She decided to do something about this most burning of issues once and for all. In 2006 she went on a quest to settle the matter definitively. As you can imagine, this wasn’t an easy task for Christina. She had no guarantees her search would result in a concrete answer. Sure enough, it wasn’t everything she’d probably hoped for. There was good news and bad.

A far from perfect answer

The good news was she was reunited with her biological mother. Yet all was not well, as the lady she’d thought about all this time also revealed that her biological father was off the radar. Christina got the impression that, whoever this man was, he was probably unaware of her existence. We can only imagine how disappointing that must have been for Christina.

Medical matters

What did she do next? There was nothing to go on. She didn’t know if she had brothers, or sisters. What she did have was a child of her own, though the little man would face his own life struggles. Christina’s son had been diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, which affects the kidneys. She’d looked to her past, but now she needed to focus on the present.