20+ Exotic Animals That Can Actually Be Pets, But Probably Shouldn't

Little Tiffany may not be asking for a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach for Christmas, and Little Johnny may not be asking mom to adopt the bear that lives in the woods next to the backyard, but that doesn't mean there aren't those with a flair for the exotic. While dogs and cats are usually the animals drawn on to complete the family photo, these animals are being taken into more and more homes. Often, it's not a pleasant end result.

1. Otters

Otters are taking the internet by storm, but as cute as they are, they may be even more dangerous. Terribly hyper with sharp claws, these pets are ones you definitely have to keep an eye on. Also, prepare for several watery messes—their natural habitat is water after all!

2. Fox

What does the fox say? “Adopt me!” 

Foxes are beloved on social media, and even in some households. Their wacky habits remind us of a goofy golden retriever, and who couldn’t fall for that crazy howl. They do, however, need a lot of space to roam free (do you have a spare bedroom?). Here’s some important advice; be prepared for a ton of energy.

3. Alligator

If your tastes are a little more prehistoric, perhaps an alligator is the pet for you... though it really shouldn't be the pet for anyone. Pleasing them with food will be an exhausting effort as they are practically bottomless pits and you do not want to leave it unsatisfied. Keep in mind, there's a lot of money in wrestling them on live TV, and we’d recommend reconsidering any animal that serves as cage-match entertainment.

4. Servals

For all you cat people out there, there is the African Serval. This lean cat is playful and friendly, but not safe for the indoors. They need space, as well as an owner that can handle roughhousing. If felines are your thing, stick to house cats.