Teen That Was Queen Of England For 9 Days Meets A Twisted Fate

Between the countless state dinners, trips around the world, and general celebrity lifestyle, life as a royal seems pretty great. But reigning as the Queen of England hasn't always been a walk in the park. In fact, one teenager took up the crown centuries ago, only to meet an unfortunately twisted fate. And while the haunting story of her tragic rise and fall has not been forgotten, people are still trying to wrap their heads around the teen queen's whirlwind nine days...

Henry's struggles

Even if you slept through most of your high school history classes, you probably remember the story of King Henry VIII. For all of his political power, he famously struggled to have a son.

A troubled marriage

In 1509, Henry married Catherine of Aragon; after two decades together, however, the king's eyes started to wander. His attentions landed on Anne Boleyn, who was younger and, at least in theory, capable of bearing a son.

Refusal of divorce

Henry wanted to divorce his first wife, but there was one problem. England, at the time, was a Catholic country. Pope Clement VII informed the king that, in the church, marriage lasted until death.

Breaking the rules

Simple rules weren't going to stop Henry, however, so he went ahead with the divorce. In that moment, the Church of England became a seperate entity from the Roman Catholic Church.