20+ Hysterical Restaurant Signs That Probably Broke A Few Company Rules

Having fun on the job is a rarity for most people, so when given the chance to goof off a bit, many will take full advantage. Unfortunately for their bosses (and fortunately for us), these outbursts of silliness are often pretty public... and definitely not what the company had in mind. So next time you're out for a drive, keep both hands firmly on the wheel — otherwise, at the sight of one of these hilarious fast food & restaurant signs, you might laugh yourself right off the road!

1. Spice Sike

Taco Bell knows where to draw the line. All those basic girls out there will either have to indulge elsewhere or try a different kind of spice with the spicy tostada. Best of luck!

2. Being Honest

These earnest burger flippers clearly aren't going to beat around the bush when it comes to the kind of customers they're looking for. Consumers will be weighed at the door. If you don't make the cut, try eating again next year.

3. Dear Abby

Rule number one of playing hooky is to never actually show up to the place you're supposed to be, so if Abby does manage to see this sign, she might as well just clock in. We just hope Abby is worth all the ruckus.

4. Work 4 A King

Burger King is not clowning around with their hiring process. We don't think you'll be treated quite like royalty here, but it beats being the bun of the joke.