Quiz: Do You Have Good Manners Or Are You A Slob?

Quick! What's the proper way to hold a cup of tea? If you're stumped, then this quiz may be more challenging than you originally thought. As it turns out, having good manners goes much further than saying "please" and "thank you." From the days of etiquette expert Emily Post to our more relaxed modern times, politeness is still the secret to success. But do you know some of the more obscure rules? Perhaps the only thing between you and a perfect score is a raised pinky...

Is it ever acceptable to have your phone on the table during a formal dinner?

Do you have to give someone a heads-up before you visit them?

What is the polite way to get someone's attention in a crowd?

How long can you wait to respond to an invitation to a formal dinner?

It's the early 1920s, and a young couple goes for an evening stroll. Where should the man stand?

When can you start eating at an elegant dinner party?

You're strolling with your friend when they run into an acquaintance. What do you do?

You have to write a long letter to your friend. What should your writing be like?

What is a sign that you've successfully risen up the social ranks in your community?

When shaking someone's hand, what should you always do?

Here's an age-old question: who should foot the bill at the end of a date?

Back in the day, was it a faux pas to have a candle on the table during a luncheon?

What is the proper way to thank someone for a gift?

What should you say if you accidentally bump into someone?

There's only one seat left on the bus, and it's between you and an old woman. What should you do?

In the olden days, was it proper for a gentleman to change his clothes before dinner?

According to tradition, should you exit your chair from the left or the right?

If you're passing plates around the table at a dinner party, which way do they go?

Which is these topics should you never bring up at the dinner table?

What differentiates a ball from a dance?

Uh-oh, you have to sneeze! What's your best move?

Which of these should you bring to a dinner party as a gift for the host?

Based on the strength of the scent, how much perfume should a lady wear?


According to old-school rules, should a man always carry a female companion's purse?

What exactly is the "Duchess slant?"

According to Emily Post, who was once the expert on etiquette, how should you set your table for dinner when you're alone?

Your friend has a juicy bit of gossip — what should you do?


Which of the following should you definitely do during a job interview?

It's 1922 and you want to host an afternoon tea. Should you have it in the garden?

What should you avoid doing on an elevator?

Where should you place your napkin during a formal meal?

Which expression of gratitude would Emily Post likely approve of?

What is the correct way to hold a glass of wine?

What is the proper way to eat a dinner roll at a formal event?

Traditionally, in which hand should you hold your fork while cutting food?

Which of the following items should never be on the table during a meal?

Whose responsibility is it to hold open a door for someone?

Which of the following is not an appropriate lunch to heat up in the office microwave?

As a boss, when is it appropriate to contact your employee with a work matter?

Where is it acceptable to curse around people?