40 Happiness Hacks Proven By Science To Lift People’s Spirits

No matter how much we’d like to, we can’t always feel happy. Sometimes, asking for help from a mental health professional is the right move to make. But there are a few tricks and tips that can actually help to improve our mood and mindset — according to science! Don’t believe us? We’ve assembled 40 happiness hacks that are based on real scientific fact. So take note.

1. Fake a smile

When you’re feeling tense or down, you’re probably not in the mood for smiling. But if that’s the case, it might be worth faking one. Hear us out: according to a 2012 Psychological Science journal report, a non-genuine grin can actually help to lower stress levels. So next time you need a mood boost, crack out a smile — no matter how fake it is. According to science, it can really lift your spirits.

2. Keep a gratitude journal

If you’re finding it tough to beat the blues, here’s an idea to consider. Grab a notebook, and jot down the stuff that you feel grateful for. As per a research project conducted at the University of California, Davis, this simple approach did bear fruit for those who tried it over a ten-week period. The subjects in question claimed that their mindsets had shifted; they were now feeling more positive.

3. Bust out some old home movies

Who doesn’t love an old home movie? Nothing beats a trip down memory lane with the family! But those videos could also help you out of personal ruts, too. Revisiting past moments can do wonders for your outlook and spark feelings of happiness, according to a 2013 report in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, right?

4. The power of the great outdoors

As it turns out, a bit of fresh air could be just the ticket when it comes to clearing your head in times of stress. Yep, research published in the Landscape and Urban Planning journal in 2015 claimed that your mood can improve drastically following strolls, even ones that last fewer than 60 minutes. Plus, the analysts noted that your memory can be boosted and anxious feelings may be quelled by the activity as well!