Can You Name These Things That Start With 'N'?

Never fear: "N" is here! No one can say "no" to the natural niceties of the letter "N": it's neat, it's nifty, and it never nags even the nastiest numbskull. But is the noble "N" really nearest to your heart? Nail this "N" quiz and neutralize the naysayers for good!

What is this bird home called?

Can you name this common school item?

What is the name of this food?

These painted tips are called...


What is this woman's profession?


Can you name the U.S. state highlighted in red?

This piece of jewelry is a...

This coin is known as a...

What material is this sock made of?


Can you name this alien-like undersea creature?

In which city would you find the Statue of Liberty?

Can you name this type of salamander?

What is this guy attempting to thread?

Another name for 12 PM is...

What is this salty snack?

To which country does this flag belong?

What are these musical symbols called?

Can you name this breed of dog?

The entire ocean was on the lookout for this famous fish:

What is the name of this tasty dish?

Do you recognize this horned sea creature?

What is the name of this neatly folded dining accessory?

What are these familiar symbols called?

This large blue planet is...

What part of a gas pump is inserted into a car?

What are these holes in the nose called?

This sign is lit up with...

Which country owns this flag?

What is the name of this stone fruit?

A hammer is ideal for driving in...

Nerve cells found in the brain that transmit information throughout the body are called...

What is the name of this musical bird?

What are these publications called?

Do you recognize this strong-jawed soldier?

Shhh, this kitty is...

What time of day is this?

What part of a basketball hoop is shown here?

A congregation of homes is called a...

Do you know the name of these breaded bites?

What is this trio dressed as?