Can You Name These Things That Start With 'T'?

To tell you the truth, there truly is no letter better than "T". With its tantalizing tones and tremendous track record, "T" is always the talk of the town. But does your "T" talent stand tall, or are you just another tryhard? Triumph over this test of "T" and tell the world you're a true "T" titan!

What are these red fruits called?

What instrument is this woman playing?

Look out! This natural disaster is a...

What would you call this tiny crown?

Do you know the name of this narrow sled?

This long-beaked bird is a...

This little girl is riding a...

Which U.S. state is highlighted in red?

What is the name of this small, slimy critter?

What are these bright flowers called?

What is the name of this bouncy fellow?

What is this clothing accessory called?

What is the name of this fearsome creature?

Do you know the name of these root vegetables?

What is this ink marking called?

Do you know the name of this blue-green mineral?

What is the name of this feisty fairy?

What is this astronomical tool called?

This Thanksgiving bird is a...

What are these large drums called?

Can you name this Mexican dish?

What is the name of this military machine?

What are these fruits called?

To which country does this flag belong?

What is the name of this shell-bound reptile?

What kind of material are these strapping gentlemen wearing?

This locomotive is commonly known as a...

What is the name of this Nordic god of Thunder?

What are these absorbent cloths called?

Do you know the name of this snuggly stuffed animal?

Can you identify these gardening tools?

Eeek! What is the name of this huge spider?

What is this synthetic shelter called?

This troublesome tabby is one part of a famous cartoon duo:

What is this writing device called?

This peanut-like fruit produces a tangy pulp known as...

This long-nosed mammal is called a...

What is the name of this calming drink?

What is this kid walking across?

This appliance is a...