The Most Bewildering Celebrity Wills Of All Time

It's never easy to take care of a loved one's final arrangements; yet, the process is made even harder when the deceased had some strange set of requests buried in their will. And many well-known figures printed elaborate instructions for what to do with their money, possessions, and Earthly form when they kicked the bucket. Some of these famous characters across history left behind final requests so absurd their last wills and testaments have become almost as iconic as they are!

Gene Roddenberry

As the creator of Star Trek, his offbeat will request just made sense. He ditched the coffin and arranged for a space burial. When their time came, both he and his wife were launched into space for the long sleep.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The 19th-century French emperor and military leader left behind a complicated legacy when he passed, but he also left behind a complicated will. He requested his head be shaved after his death and his hair be shared among his friends.

Fred Baur

It's only natural that one be passionate about a product they invented. Baur invented the Pringles potato chip can and couldn't have loved his accomplishment more. He requested to be buried in a Pringles container!

John B. Kelly

Grace Kelly's father even used his will as a platform to tell his daughter what do to. In the document, he asked Grace to "not bankrupt the Principality of Monaco with the bills about her clothing."