Little-Known Facts About Russia

There are nearly 200 countries strewn across the globe, but the biggest of them all is Russia. Spanning 11 time zones, this large piece of land is mostly recognized by others for its low temperatures and high tolerance for alcohol. But contrary to popular belief, this Cold War player offers more than just snow, booze, and headlines. Here are some seriously fascinating facts about the biggest country in the world.

The Real Size

Okay, so we already know Russia is huge, but how big is it really? Well, if we compared it to our old planet Pluto, it would trump its size easily - by more than 98 million acres to be exact. This means that Russia is bigger than the 10th largest mass in the solar system!

Space Race

Speaking of space, everyone knows about the infamous race to the moon between Russia and the United States. Though both sides made some serious sacrifices, rumor has it that Russia covered up a number of deaths that occurred during flight testing and failed launches. This group of essentially erased people have even been dubbed, "The Lost Cosmonauts."

No Articles

Russia isn't just missing people, it's also missing words. The Russian language does not contain “the” or “a” in its vocabulary. With almost 260 million people fluent in Russian across the globe, it can be quite (the) predicament.

Dogs On The Metro

Another strange fact about Russia is the amount of dogs that utilize the subway system - yes, dogs. About 500 homeless pups use this means of transportation per day to come into the city for food and return to the suburbs at night. They're also commonly referred to as "metro dogs."