Shoppers Are Saving Major Cash With These Simple Grocery Store 'Hacks'

Entering a grocery store is literally psychological warfare. Even if you're just there for a couple of items, marketers are trying to trick you into spending as much money as possible every time you step inside. Don’t fall for their ploys. Instead, test out these clever tips when it's time to head out to stock up on grub.

40. Avoid the top shelves

When clerks restock the shelves, they place the more expensive brands at eye level. If you’re shopping for cereal, they’ll put the boxes with Anna and Elsa at a child’s eye level, so they’ll beg for that one. Make sure to look at the lower levels for a better price.

39. No children

Shopping with children is a guarantee for spending too much at the store. Marketers love to place brightly colored items at a child’s eye level, as we mentioned earlier. Also, grocery shopping isn’t the most exciting activity in the world, so having your children there will only make it harder.

38. Onion tricks

Onions are such a versatile ingredient, perfect for a variety of dishes. You can actually buy them in bulk and keep them fresh by storing them in a pair of pantyhose. Tack them up in your pantry and your onions should last for about eight months. So, stock up if you see your favorite variety on sale.

37. Freeze that bread

Bread is a staple on most Americans’ grocery lists. It’s also something that’s often on sale. If you want to take advantage of a good bread deal, you can freeze it and eat it later. Keep your current loaf in the fridge for maximum freshness as well.