If You Believe These Common Burglary Myths, You May Be Putting Your Property At Risk

Did you know that many of our fondly held beliefs about burglary are complete nonsense? Yes, it's a sobering thought, but these false ideas can actually make you more likely to be a victim. And don’t suppose that all burglars are dim-witted. So, read on to find out just how comprehensively wrong-headed many commonly believed burglary “facts” are.

20. Myth: Burglars mainly break in through windows

It seems like only common sense to believe that a burglar would choose a window to get into your house and rifle through your valuables. After all, it’s got to be easier to pop a window lock rather than a well-bolted and secured door. And glass can easily be smashed.

Reality: The front door is the main point of entry

The truth is that burglars don’t want to mess with windows. That’s because breaking glass is noisy. And climbing through a window can be a pain – especially with shards of glass around. Think about it, when was the last time you clambered through a window to get into your house? No, what seasoned housebreakers prefer to do is come in through a door, just as you do. According to Reader’s Digest, 34 percent simply use the front door and another 22 percent use the back door.

19. Myth: Burglars spend a lot of time planning a break in

You’d think that a burglar would want to put the time in to carefully plan a heist on your home. Entry points and escape routes need to be identified. After all, if they’re caught, jail time will likely be beckoning. There’s also the chance of coming across an armed – and understandably riled – householder. Yep, that’s got to be every housebreaker’s nightmare.

Reality: Burglars are opportunists

In reality, many burglars simply spot a chance and act in the moment, according to the U.K.’s Metropolitan Police. A door ajar, an iPad by a window, piles of newspapers on the porch – they’re all opportunities or signs that the housebreaker can read instantly. So, forget about well-planned robberies. It’s often actually a fleeting impulse that results in a burglary.